Can AI Help Combat the Opioid Epidemic?

Can AI Help Combat the Opioid Epidemic?

Opioid addiction and overdose numbers in the United States have risen exponentially in the past three decades. Pharmaceutical companies looking to make money convinced the medical community that opioid painkillers were safe, and physicians began prescribing them in...
Advances in Precision Medicine

Advances in Precision Medicine

Personalized medicine, or precision medicine, has brought about new ways to diagnose and treat diseases. The concept behind personalized medicine is that not everyone responds the same way to any given condition. Diseases may express themselves differently in...
Why Cancer Screening is Vital and How Often Should You Have Them?

Why Cancer Screening is Vital and How Often Should You Have Them?

Cancer is a condition that occurs as a result of uncontrolled multiplication of cells, which have the potential of inflating and destroying normal healthy cells. The life choices people make concerning their eating habits, exercise, and other habits play a significant...
What Patients Can Do to Lower Their Healthcare Costs

What Patients Can Do to Lower Their Healthcare Costs

An unexpected injury or illness can lead to undue financial hardship on top of the stress that dealing with our health can cause. Many people don’t realize that they may be able to lower healthcare costs. In fact, some of these methods may promote good health...
Urgent Care or the Emergency Room: Where to Go When You Need Care

Urgent Care or the Emergency Room: Where to Go When You Need Care

Both urgent care and emergency care offer medical treatment for conditions that need attention within 24 hours. Both provide medical care during the hours when most doctors’ offices are closed. The most significant difference between the two is that urgent care...
Using AI to Detect and Treat Sepsis

Using AI to Detect and Treat Sepsis

Sepsis is life-threatening and claims the lives of more than 250,000 people each year. When a simple infection develops, chemical compounds are released that initiate an inflammatory response. White blood cells then rush to the scene. If the infection progresses, the...